Media Relations and Press Releases

Kudos Media was born from journalism. We know what editors and publishers want, and with media under increasing pressure to deliver content with fewer resources in a fragmenting mediascape, quality stories are in high demand, if presented correctly.

Whether you have a new product, business or a current line that needs a boost, we have the media contacts and will find a hook to land the big fish. We beat the drum with press releases and publicity drives, bespoke content written in consultation with editors and regular contributions.

Press Releases Manly

Campaigns are tailored to target specific media and platforms. With our thick contact-book and long history of successful PR campaigns we will have your story told.

Once your brand is in the mainstream and national media, leverage is key; publicity has unrivalled street cred! Furthermore, the resulting publicity with embedded URLs linking to your site will also tie into SEO campaigns and link-building outreach.


These days, everyone is a publisher and PR must look beyond traditional media and press releases to individual influencers. We work to indentify socially influential individuals whose values, positioning and follower base fits that of your brand. We then manage the outreach and relationship.

Depending on the campaign activation and structure, multiple micro-influencers will often produce better results than one or two influencers with huge followings, due to their increased engagement of their audience.